About Me

Hello and welcome to my website. I am Heather , the artist and photographer behind Studio Hjo.  I’m originally from the Caribbean island of Trinidad & Tobago, now based in Glasgow, Scotland. I have always had a passion for the arts,  from as early as childhood. I remember tracing over my older brother’s drawings of the cartoon characters and colouring them in with crayons.  Growing up in a creative household I would see my mum making paper flowers, macrame, sewing draperies and clothes and even at times drawing and sketching. Inevitably, I ended up having the same love for the arts and all things creative. 

As a teenager, I studied Visual Arts at High School and learned alot from my Instructor. We focused on still life drawing & painting and even art in it’s other forms, such as screen printing. Drawing, however, was the form I most enjoyed at that time.  After having left School with a poorly graded art portfolio , I decided to focus my energies on more traditional academic endeavours. During this time, I also developed a keeness for photography , having owned various point and shoot cameras. I would draw here and there during the course of my adult life , with the occassional painting as well. In 2019, I did my first proper acrylic painting in years and it was so well received by my family and friends, I decided to share it on instagram and on a print on demand platform. Prints of the painting were  popular with buyers and encouraged me to do more original works and eventually offering commissions.

Today,  I still do drawings but my favourite medium thus far, is Oil Paint. I love the smoothness and ability to manipulate it as I would like to portray what I see in my mind,  on canvas. Between, painting, photography, writing, and crafts, there is no shortage of creative outlets in my daily life. I’m hoping I can share this journey with you trough these varied expressions and maybe even  inspire you to start a journey of your own 🙂

– H – xx